Small Business Development Specialist
and Serial Entrepreneur

With more than 15 years of business ownership, operations, and management experience, Nequilia Earnest has personally experienced the successes, obstacles, and bumps along the way with being an entrepreneur. The above experiences have helped develop obstacle proof tools that assist with achieving results that you and your business deserve. Investing In You has a sharp eye for how businesses can get bloated with inefficiencies, cross-purposes and miscommunication – and how they can retool for a sleeker, smoother, more strategically focused organization.
As an entrepreneur who quickly built her own successful businesses from the ground up, she passionately helps other aspiring and seasoned business owners set priorities, develop a written business plan, create milestone goals, and find the balance they want between life and work. Investing In You client base experience includes licensed teen group home facilities, intermediate care facilities for adults, NEMT transportation, property management, and other service based businesses, to name a few.
Allow Investing In You to show you and your business how to capture and meet your net worth bottom line goals. From being able to bid on Federal contracts, finding funding opportunities, developing policy and procedures, and our complete business in a box plan that will be sure to get you on the right path towards success.
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